Proud Winners of PLU Programming Contest 2020!

Congratulations to our students of the “Advanced Algorithms C and Assembler Language Programming” program for their excellence in the PLU Programming Contest. More information on the Algorithms course and other …

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1 Feb. 2020

Competitive Robotics Teams ready for FLL 2019/2020 season regionals

Our four robotics teams are ready to compete at FLL regionals. Robotics, missions, research projects, presentation, talking to experts, having teamwork exercises, designing logos, t-shirts, and buttons, unveil creativity in …

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6 Dec. 2019

Competitive Robotics Teams ready for FLL semi-finals

Three out of five our robotics teams advanced to the semi-finals and are ready to present their hard work and fight for advancing to the state competition. Robotics, missions, research …

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12 Jan. 2019

Competitive Robotics Teams ready for FLL regional

Our three robotics teams are ready to compete at FLL regionals. Robotics, missions, research project, presentation, talking to experts, having team work exercises, designing logo, t-shirts and buttons, unveil creativity …

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9 Dec. 2017