Learn to build world-class websites and applications using cutting-edge technologies including JavaScript, ES2015, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, AngularJS, Node,js, MongoDB. Get familiar with different backend implementations. Work on daily web developer tasks and get to know all variety of tools.
Program description:
Ramping Up On Web Development
- History of Web
- Network topology
- HTML introduction
- Text formatting with HTML
- Text formatting with CSS
- CSS indents and fields
- Bootstrap (frontend framework)
- Graphics in web design. Graphics optimization for web
- Principles of website navigation
- Tables
- Table layout
- Block layout
- Web forms
- Development of mobile-friendly layout
Intro into the programming
- Algorithms and programming concepts
- Version control systems
JavaScript syntax
- Introduction to programming. Basic concepts of ECMAScript. Variables. Operators
- Conditional statements
- Loops
- Arrays
- Functions
- Objects
- Data and time. Mathematical functions. Regular expressions. Exception handling
Client-side JavaScript
- Introduction to client JavaScript. DOM structure
- Events in JavaScript. Event handlers
- The window global object. Cookies
- Using selectors
- Events
- Attributes and CSS. Manipulating the elements and the DOM tree
- Plugins
Introduction to UNIX
- Genesis. Basic UNIX files and folders
- File system. Processes
- Working with text files. Command line processor
- Useful utilities
- Backend overview
PHP basics
- PHP overview
- Basic programming principles
- Stripe
Database theory. MySQL
- The concept of database
- Creation of databases and tables
- Joining the queries
- Accessing MySQL DB
ES2015 JavaScript
- Overview of new features of ES2015
- Spread operator, destructuring, & arrow functions
- Default parameters, classes, and collections
- Modules, promises, & generators
- Getting started with React
- Props
- Eventing
- AJAX and React
- Ember objects
- Templates and routing
- Models and services
- Ember components
- Ramping up with Angular
- Model
- View
- Controller
- Comparison with Angular
- Components
- Views
- Data model
- Ramping up with Node.js
- Eventing
- HTTP requests, JSON data
- Introduction
- Working with database, collections, document, fields
Basics of web design
- Design and development of web sites
- Introduction to Photoshop. Selection and fill
- Operating the layers. The brush tool. Working with text
- Transformation. Effects of layers. Masks
- Basics of usability and UX
Content Management Systems
- Introduction to CMS: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal
- Build website with Drupal
- Build website with Joomla
- Build website with WordPress
- Web hosting
- Basics of optimization. Internal optimization
- External optimization. Site analysis
On course completion, you will be able to:
- Understand all web technologies out there
- Create professional web sites from scratch
- Get knowledge of how backend works
- Use your portfolio from web sites to apply for a job in IT